Veranda Bistro
is a great Bistro - Authentic Greek, Italian, & American foods. Restaurant
Ranked #1 of 30 Restaurants in City outskirts - in Hollins, Virginia Roanoke.
Some say, it is excellent, exceptional, authentic.
The Latest Review: ★★★★★
Sent on the 24th of August, 2012
It would have been great if you had spoken frcneh but doesn't matter. Plates served are sometimes big and full !! Firstly, you can ask how big the plate is to the waiter C'est une grande assiette ? Well, if you don't finish your meal, the waiter will ask if everything was good, you can say c'e9tait bon, mais c'e9tait trop You have to know that even if you don't eat the whole meal, you have to pay your menu !If you want share food you can obviously ask the waiter/waitress for 1 meal and 2 forks !! The waiter will understand that you want share the food On peut avoir 2 fourchettes ? or On va partager le repas en 2, c'est trop pour une personne Well, i hope i helped, and enjoy your stay among us !!!