2008-03-08 14:45:49
I'm not sure who is writing these reviews but my guess is that the owners/management are frustrated fiction authors. I'll grant you that La Herradura has the look of a good Mexican restaurant but looks can be deceiving. The food was absolute crap. Either the people of this area have palates destroyed by chain smoking and moonshine, or they have eaten far too many MREs. The bland, lifeless meal at La Herradura is something people were ACTUALLY waiting 45 minutes to an hour for! Normally a busy restaurant is a good sign, but not here. The only flavor I found in the entire experience was the beer. Sadly, I consumed mine with the meal instead of prior to dining. Perhaps if I had downed a six-pack beforehand I wouldnt have noticed the runny salsa or the tasteless beef. Im not normally one to suggest fast food but if you want Mexican style cooking that can actually be recognized as south of the border do yourself a favor and drive to the nearest Taco BellAt least that looks like something you will be able to digest without drinking heavily first.